Executive & Life Coaching

Reality Check: 4 Winning Perspectives to Boost Your Self Confidence

By January 12, 2018 No Comments


This is a reality check. Life has unique quirks. Sometimes these quirks will lead us to the doldrums. Other times it will lift us to high exhilarating summits. Would it not be great to take control of your life and maintain balance through life? To maintain high levels of self esteem at all times? I’d like to share life perspectives that will change how you respond to life’s quirks. These perspectives will ensure that you maintain your confidence and remain in control of your journey.

Here are four perspectives you need to embrace to ensure that when life’s quirks buffet you, you will remain afloat with a stunning dose of self-confidence.

  1. You have probably heard the Eleanor Roosevelt quote:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission”

This perspective assures you that no matter what life presents, you maintain the control. The illusion may be that your adversary, boss, government, customers etc. have the control. It is nothing but an illusion. The illusion becomes real when you believe it and hand over control on a platter. Don’t!

No one can defame you unless you give them permission. No one can take you unawares unless you give them permission. Don’t Give Permission!

Giving permission goes way beyond what you say. Giving permission involves your actions, what you allow and how you think. If you see yourself as powerless, you are; and have handed over power to whomever attempts to wrest your power from you.

Related Reading: Forging Your Self Confidence

  1. Many times we wake up feeling under the weather; when we go see the doctor he says there is nothing physiologically wrong with us. Has this happened to you before?

You were in fact feeling crummy, but the truth was that physiologically you were healthy and fine. So in your journey you need to follow Truth Not Feelings.

The sad fact is that many of us make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings. We turn our lives around on account of how we are feeling.

You feel a prospective customer doesn’t like you (because he criticized your first pitch) so you don’t give your sales pitch your best effort.

Feeling that you don’t have all the skills required for a job you want, you decide not to apply for the role.

You feel that your hobby raising bees and selling honey on the side can never lead you to financial independence, so you don’t focus on learning and building a formidable business.

What have your feelings cost you? Another quirk in life is that when the clock turns, what you lost will be glaring and you will be filled with remorse.

Does this not now mean that we must make decisions based on the truth of the matter rather than how we feel?

Related Reading: Getting Knocked Down

  1. There are no freebies in life. Every lesson is hard won. Every prize had a price.

Unfortunately, many times when the clock turns and we see the lost opportunities we begin to believe that we are not enough. There could be nothing further from the truth. You are enough!

If you remember nothing, remember this: we are born complete, but we need to horn our capacity to accomplish the greatness we are capable of.

Everyone has greatness trapped inside of them; including you. It’s the quirks of life that exposes our potential and delivers the training to maximize our great potentials.

Related Reading: How to Stop Worrying About What People Will Think of You

  1. So what if you fail every once in a while? Everyone fails every once in a while. You need to brain tattoo it into your mind that the journey you are on is YOUR journey and you do not owe any one anything! There is No Debt!

I’m not saying you should become egotistical and not take any advice or correction from any well-meaning people. What I am saying is that you NOT allow anyone judge you, claim ownership for your journey or life.

It is your life, and you cannot abdicate your driver’s seat to anyone. You are allowed to take a wrong turn every once in a while. You are allowed to ask for directions. Learn from other people’s experience and journey (just like referring to maps). You are allowed to take calculated risks; as long as you are willing to pull up your big girl panties when your risk doesn’t pan out quite right.

Lean into your life. Take responsibility for your life. And above all own your life and experiences.

Today your reality check is that the power to be all you ever dreamt rests inside you. No one can give you what you seek. No one can lead you to your pot of gold. The journey of life dictates that you navigate all by yourself. You will sink into the depths alone; rise to the summit alone. And when you get to the end of your rainbow, you will find it has all been well worth it, and you are the best version of you.

Are you working on building your self confidence? I’d like to invite you to work with me. I have a four step program that will guarantee that you find yourself and go through life with your head held high. Contact me here.