Executive & Life Coaching

You Can Finish 2019 Strong III

By November 5, 2019 No Comments

Become Accountable

Welcome back! Just joining us in this series? You need to go back to the first and second steps in the previous posts. Then do the exercises and come back to this next step.

Do you know that just telling someone your plan and focus on finishing the year strong will box you into acting on executing this plan? This works, but it’s more effective to engage accountability buddy/coach.

We’ve heard Oprah talk about the power of accountability. Accountability helps us when we get tired and weary in our push to finish strong. You have someone(s) who encourages you, motivates you and ensures you are doing exactly what you said you would do to finish the year strong.

Your accountability partner will not take no for an answer; nor will he/she accept your excuses as a reason you cannot finish the year strong.

Not everyone can be your accountability partner. Your partner must be someone who:

  • Isn’t intimidated by you
  • You respect
  • Understands what’s at stake for you (and won’t belittle your goal)
  • Is trustworthy
  • Will take pleasure in your success
  • Has a stake in your success
  • Will make time and take interest in your progress
  • Will not live too far from you that communication and access between both of you is hindered.
  • Your accountability partner could be your Life Coach, Counsellor, Mentor, Spiritual Leader etc.

Do you really want to finish this year strong? Do you really? Really? Then the next steps after reading this are to:

  • Revisit your goals
  • Whittle down your goals
  • Create a winning plan
  • Get accountable

Will you be implementing any of these tips? Leave a comment or contact me directly so I know. I could help you get accountable too.

The gains of finishing the year strong are so powerful in that not only do you have a deep sense of accomplishment; you also are taking productive strides in your development. Furthermore, the inertia you generate from finishing the year strong provides kinetic energy in the following year and helps you live the life of your dreams. It is advantageous to finish the year strong.

As I wrap this up, I want to echo the words of Benjamin E Mays; he said, “the tragedy in life isn’t in not reaching your goal; the tragedy is having no goal to reach”. We each have the power to make our lives a remarkable joy!