Executive & Life Coaching

5 Ways to Turn Your Passion into a Fulfilling Life (Part 1)

By November 19, 2017 No Comments

When I meet clients for the first time, the one thing they say they really desire is to have a fulfilling life. Okay, maybe not each and every one uses the same words. But I do hear words life satisfying, rewarding, meaningful, and purposeful. Does this strike a chord? What kind of life do you want to live?

I hope you will agree that every man wants to live a life that counts. However, the bigger question is what does a purposeful, fulfilling life look like? We all need to determine our purpose before we can pull it into our lives to give us fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Related: 6 Steps to Turn Your Passion into a Career

My purpose today is to spur you to action to fully engage your passion to get your fulfilling life. Here goes…

ACT: Since reading Sheryl Sandberg’s book ‘Lean In’, this phrase has become a rallying cry for me to ‘Just Do It’. There is really no time like the present. If you wait to act on your dreams, ideas and passion I guarantee you that you will never act. The best time to move is NOW. The best time to take that calculated risk is NOW. The best time to start afresh is NOW.

I’ve had clients tell me that they wish they had started on their dreams earlier. This kind of thinking is just an excuse; there is NO TIME LIKE NOW. For what it’s worth, if you start now know that you will be in good company. Some of the most successful people of our times achieved success late in life too.

Related: 15 Inspiring People Who Found Crazy Success Later in Life

COUNT THE COST: While I encourage you to ‘Lean In’ and to ‘Jump’, I will not be doing you any favors if I don’t caution you to count the cost first. When you ACT, you are most likely taking a risk. Take a calculated risk.

To take a calculated risk you first have to:

  1. Do your research. Is your idea feasible, scalable and realistic?
  2. Do you have the requisite skills, aptitude and talent for the life you envision? There is currently a craze for entrepreneurship, and everyone seems to want to be their own boss. But not everyone has the mental fortitude and tenacity required for an entrepreneurial life. If you are not mentally and emotionally built to be an entrepreneur you should NOT embark on that life. I have a friend who really loves music. She can tell you the history of each genre of music, discuss the goings on in the music industry with such panache but guess what? She cannot hold a tune to save her life. Fortunately she knows this, and has not pursued a career in front of the microphone. Rather, she is a talent manger. This job plays into her skills so seamlessly that she is living a much fulfilled life.
  3. Do you have people who can hold you accountable, shadow you, mentor you and catch you when you fall (for you will have a few good falls before you learn to soar)

When you count the cost before leaping, you are telling yourself that it is okay to –

  1. Say ‘NO’
  2. Say … ‘please I need some time to think about my options with a clear mind’

Who said these options were not viable? When you realize that these options are viable, you are mentally empowering yourself.  A fulfilled life is an empowered life.

FIND YOUR TRIBE: Have you ever felt lonely in the midst of a crowd? No? Lucky you. I have…it happens more often than I’d admit though. If you met me in one of these situations you would swear I was timid, and sort of dim witted; for I seem to have absolutely nothing to say. However, when you find me in the thick of my tribe… the only way I can explain what you will notice is …you see me blossom. I am flowing with the conversation, I am assertive, confident, the synapses in my brain are firing on all cylinders…I am alive.

The same thing happens when you connect with your tribe in your business, vocation. You are alive and you thrive. No matter how passionate you are, if you are not located in your tribe you run the risk of being drained elsewhere. Reverse osmosis will sap your juice and leave you perplexed and wondering what happened to your hype and passion.

Now imagine what happens when you as a business person find your own niche market and the people your product is created for (your product/service tribe). Tell me if you won’t sell $1m before Joshua Anthony knocks out his opponent.

As with family and business you can find tribe clusters in each area of your life. You need to find them, cultivate them, invest in them and share with them so that you can all feed of each other’s energy. Funny thing happens when you feed of each other’s energy; no one’s energy (ideas, creativity etc.) is depleted, instead you are exponentially refreshed.

Related: Finding Your Tribe

If you are interested in personalized coaching to help you discover and turn your passion into a fulfilling life, I can help you. Sign up for my Ikigai Program and connect with the real you who was made to excel.

I personally reply all messages sent from my tribe (blog subscribers) so please feel free to send me a message.

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