Executive & Life Coaching

4 Steps To Navigate Your Life To Success

By August 18, 2017 2 Comments

One of the driving forces in my life is a passion to live an extraordinary influential life. I believe that everyone was created to live an extraordinary life. I also believe that everyone has it in them to be trailblazers in every field imaginable. There is enough room at the top for “Exceptionals” and “Originals”; and copies have no place at this level. Securing your place requires that you step up to your responsibility. This starts with self-leadership.

So, you want to secure your place at the top? These 4 steps will help you navigate there…

Know Who You Are

What do you believe? You have got to believe that you are Exceptional. You have got to believe that you deserve a place at the highest levels of success and influence. Have you ever heard that your life flows towards your most dominant thoughts? What are you thinking about if not your beliefs? So if you do not believe in yourself, there is no way you can take your place at the zenith.

What are your convictions? I once heard someone say that your convictions are those things you would die for. What do you believe in so strongly that you are willing to go for broke and become, do…?

When you know who you are, you also have to get a sense of where you are heading. Your goal is your map. And it will keep you on track as you navigate.

Related Reading: How To Achieve Your Life Goals

Know Your What & Why

Ever taken the time to ask the motives behind your actions and drive? I take time at the end of each day to review my day. I reflect on actions or inaction, on my plans for the day and how far I’ve come in executing them. I also review my overall goals to ensure that I am on the right path.

This means that I see clearly behind my own curtain. I can identify the roots of my habits and motives. You know, when the root is weak, blighted or sick it’s inevitable that the entire plant (aka life) will suffer, isn’t it? So do you agree then that it is important to peek behind the curtain; or to poke under the hood [often]?

Our motives driven by our habits can and will determine if we take our seat at the zenith as we desire. It is best that we deal with whatever issues that could truncate our success now, before we get to the finish line and get no ovation.

Keep Learning

Do you love learning? I do too. It’s unfortunate that for most people, once school is done with they believe and live like learning is done with forever. This is not quite true; because life can teach some ‘interesting’ lessons which you enroll for just by living.

But the most successful people while they do learn from life lessons are more proactive in their learning. The most successful people in the world are lifelong learners. Think about the Oracle of Omaha (Warren Buffet – who reads 500 pages daily), Zig Ziglar, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, The Dalai Lama, Barack Obama, and Darren Hardy … they are all voracious learners.

These people are not lifelong learners by chance; they consciously cultivated habits that support superior and fast learning. Each of these has unique learning habits; some listen to podcasts, sign up for online courses, read copious amounts of books, listen to audiobooks while they commute or work out… the options are endless.

The trick is NOT going at it haphazardly. Like everything worthwhile, you have to have a strategy and a plan for execution. What’s your learning plan? Personally, I schedule my reading time for that one hour before I hit my bed. I am a night owl, so that’s what works best for me. Then I listen to podcasts each morning, while I am getting ready for my day; I really love Success Insider (highly recommended).

While you are figuring out your learning style and plans we hope OUR printable poster will inspire you. Download it for FREE.

Related Reading: 9 Podcasts to enrich your mind and soul. 

Become an Island of Excellence

So you know yourself, and are familiar with what’s happening in your life behind the curtains. You are learning new things each day from your Coach or Mentor, books, podcasts, YouTube, experience and much more. You seem fulfilled, but…

The ‘but’ is there because there is so much going in that your life needs you to release the wealth inside of you to enrich the world. You won’t enter that place of fulfillment – where I call “flow” unless you are allowing the wealth of percolated wisdom and excellence flow out of you to the universe.

It’s at this point that you really become an ‘island of excellence in the sea of mediocrity’. And what happens when people are shipwrecked and need a haven of safety? You got it! They swim for the island. The people that need what you have will naturally gravitate to you when you share, exhibit what you have inside. You provide solutions, innovative ideas and so on. You are in every sense of the word SUCCESSFUL.

I may have made this sound easy and almost painless…it’s anything but. Success is the most costly price in the known universe. Only those willing and mentally poised to pay the price through conviction, success habits and quite simply guts ever get to wear the crown. Are you ready to pay this price for the prize of Success?

I would love to hear your opinion about this post. And if you would like to work with me to help you navigate, send me a direct message here (I am an excellent co-pilot).



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