Executive & Life CoachingLeadership Development.

One – Two – Three – ACTION!

By August 11, 2017 No Comments

Have you ever watched an action packed movie? Think Mission Impossible, 24, Kill Bill. Thrilling, right? Captivating, wasn’t it?

Ever given thought to why we are all so enamored of action packed movies- other than their fast pace, beautiful people and larger than life plots? Is it all about entertainment? Is it all about beautiful people or exotic locations? I think the draw is much more than that. I think the thrill of reliving the heart thumping, fast paced action with an element of suspense is attractive and lures even the most insipid viewers. I believe that at the most basic level, human beings were made for action – for movement, speed, activity, for progress.

But what is ‘action’? We might all understand the word when we hear it used, but it’s not as easy to define, is it? Have a go at defining ‘action’. What did you come up with?

One definition says that action is ‘the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim’. Alternative expressions/words that have the same or similar meanings include: effort, exertion, work, movement, activity etc. And the opposite of the process of doing something include ‘doing nothing, inactivity, idleness and such’.

By ‘action’ I refer targeted, precise, detailed and quantifiable effort you put in towards a desirable goal…any goal. This is the commensurate reaction after setting a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, result focused and time bound) goal.

What has ‘action’ got to do with personal or professional success you may ask? Does ‘action’ need physical movement to deliver results? What does this all mean? I’ll get to it…

Mastering the fine art of action is a potent key to opening the doors of opportunity and success. Action is an art because you have to learn and practice to master it; it also requires keen discernment – you have to know the right action to take for each situation (targeted alignment).

Timely and targeted action helps you maintain focus on your goals; especially if you routinely evaluate, review and reflect on your advancement viz-a-viz set goals. There is something about maintaining momentum that keeps you on target.

This focus will help somewhat limit/mitigate the risk of derailment from your set goals. And even if in the course of your taking action you have to realign or adjust your course, you are certain that it will be productive and in congruence with your main objectives. It’s actually easier to derail when you lose focus. And you will need some visuals to keep your eyes on target. Feel free to download some here.

William Burnham famously said that ‘the most drastic and usually the most effective remedy for fear is direct action’. So ask yourself; ‘am I crippled by fear in any area of my life?’ If the answer is in the affirmative, your next course of action is as clear as crystal… MOVE! Take action, now! Action can give you the impetus to neutralize fear; it can be your antidote for debilitating fear.

Practice they say makes perfect; practice is at the core of action. You stand a higher chance of success if you practice or keep moving in the direction of your goal. Even if you are make mistakes, your chances of success and excellence are better than they who never moved or remained inactive.

In the same vein, you cannot tap into intrinsic reservoirs of innovation and creativity if you remain inert. Science has proven that action creates new neuropathways, and these neuropathways ease the creative process. Think of it this way, the more you do something the better you get at it, right? Now, do this task more times and you will find easier ways to get the task done, to improve on your output. At this point we are moving towards mastery. Action is key to mastery.

The key to taking action in any realm of your life is to keep moving. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”.

You heard the man… KEEP MOVING!

That’s your cue… One – Two – Three – ACTION!

What will you change in your daily routine to ensure you keep moving to maintain momentum? Care to share?