Executive & Life Coaching

Help! Am I Stressed?

By January 26, 2018 No Comments


Are you stressed? Take a moment and ask yourself these questions…

  • Do you lose your temper more and more easily—even at things that normally would not warrant your anger?
  • Do you feel that you suddenly freeze up in the face of a challenge?
  • Do you seem to be spending more time alone, isolated from your usual social circle?
  • Is your behavior becoming increasingly erratic?
  • Are you more susceptible to colds, infections etc.?
  • Are you increasingly moody, irritable, anxious and panicky?
  • Do you find yourself procrastinating more than ever before?
  • Do you seem to be eating much more, or much less than usual?
  • More sore and tense muscles recently (your neck, back, knees)?
  • Do you tend to forget things more easily?
  • Are you having increased bouts of sleeplessness or over sleeping?
  • Do you find yourself prone to tears more easily now than ever before?

If you have answered yes to more than 2 of the questions above, I have another question for you. Do you think you are stressed? I think you are. So, what next…?

Stress is the adverse reaction people have to [perceived] excessive pressures at home or at work, or to demands placed on them.

Do you know that stress can take over your life and leave you with health challenges that could affect your quality of life. Do you know that many people who are depressed could really be suffering from stress? Stress can make you respond in ways you never thought you were capable of responding; do things you never would have thought possible.

Stress could also be the reason for your health challenges. Health problems arising from prolonged (Chronic) stress can include (not all of these are caused be stress, but stress could be a contributing factor in these illnesses developing. Please speak with your registered health professional regarding how to manage these illnesses while you take steps to manage the root cause): Hair loss, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis (loss of bone density), Memory Loss, Depression, Psychosis and much more

To identify and manage long term stress and its impact on your health, it is important to understand the source of stress in your life. Some of the major stressors are from your environment/situational, emotional, physical and could include (this is in no way an exhaustive list

  • Verbal abuse (at work or at home)
  • Financial responsibilities
  • Infertility
  • Antisocial neighbors or family members
  • Poor diet (even when the diet is self-inflicted)
  • Emotional responses to aggravating situations (e.g. hostility)
  • The good news is that stress is manageable and you can recover from whatever adverse effect stress could have caused in your life, work and relationships.

You do not have to battle this alone! In order to manage your stress you may need to amongst others explore the possibility engaging a certified counselor or coach. Feel free to contact Liz and find out how we can help you manage stress for good.

In the meantime, I will give you some tips for managing everyday stress:

  • Exercise

    No, exercise will not increase your stress; mild to moderate exercise is actually guaranteed to help you decompress. Exercise should not be a dirty word; there are various options to pick from including dancing, walking, cycling, bowling, moderate to vigorous sexual activity with your spouse, hiking, swimming, calisthenics etc. And while you are exercising, get some SUNSHINE; vitamin D works wonders for your mind and wellbeing.

  • Balanced diet

    make sure you get enough green leafy vegetables, recommended daily allowance of pistachio nuts and berries, dark chocolate, avocados. And avoid foods (and drinks) high in sugar (including artificial sweeteners), high gluten content foods (like regular bread) as well as processed food.

  • Slow down

    Ask yourself, am I doing too much? I am taking on too much at home/works? Have I given people the impression that I can do it all? Do you feel like you have a reputation as a solution center that I feel I must maintain? Did you ask yourself? If you have two out of four ‘yes’ answers, you need to SLOW DOWN NOW. Let people know you are human. Take time off to be a regular Kemi or Kalu. Take the weekend off… do nothing; read a book, catch up on Scandal (or whatever floats your boat); become unavailable to everyone who has placed you on a pedestal.

  • Find a hobby

    Unfortunately Africans living in Africa tend to gravitate towards unhealthy habits: late night drinking with the boys, weekend long benders over soccer, extra marital affairs (no judging here). For others recreational drug use is the hobby of choice, as is high risk death defying adrenalin pumping stunts. The ideal hobby should be something that does not endanger your life (in either the short or long term), something that is legal, something that brings out the best of you and those around you. I am particularly partial to something that helps your community. Some ideas for hobbies I recommend – join a fitness club – cycling/boxing/hiking come to mind, learn a new skill – sewing, get proficient in DIY (do it yourself) and save money making or repairing household items. Travelling is also a good hobby – and it does not have to be expensive – you could travel 30 minutes from your home to visit cultural sites, ruins etc. 

  • Habits

    Do you know that some habits can make you more susceptible to stress? For instance constantly sleeping late and waking up early – this means you don’t get the recommended 8 hours sleep that allows your body to reboot and flush out toxins. Overloading on caffeine products like coffee, kolanuts etc. Also behavorial habits like having a consistently packed schedule, procrastination etc. Some habits can help manage stress like my personal favorite massage therapy (don’t quibble that its expensive, it’s an investment in your life and wellbeing), intermittent fasting, aromatherapy (there are certain fragrances that can help relieve stress and help you relax like lavender – available in oil), tea (don’t roll your eyes, the British believe that tea is the panacea for all ills, and I agree; try green tea, chamomile tea, and other infused blends)

  • Talk

    Sometimes the weighty issues on our minds that cause us stress aren’t things eating well; a hobby or travelling can help. A lot of times, we just need a non-judgmental listening ear. You can reach out to your Priest, Imam, Pastor or best friend. You can also reach out to a Life Strategist & Coach (like me) and get some perspective on the weight. Also remember that a burden shared is a burden halved.

There are other things you can do, like spending quality time with your loved ones, intentionally laughing out loud, changing jobs etc. But you have to DO SOMETHING! Stress is a silent killer; it is known to kill 7 people every 2 seconds worldwide. Get a jump on stress now, so it does not get the better of you.

If you want someone to talk to,


“> click this link  to book a session with me. I want you to live free.