Executive & Life Coaching

You Can Finish 2019 Strong II

By October 29, 2019 No Comments


Create a Winning Plan

Are you just joining me in this series? Then you must catch up; click to read the first part of this post. Then do the exercise. Do it then come back to this next step.

I love this quote by Sun Tzu the famous Chinese military strategist. He says ‘Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.’

All the points I’m offering you are strategies to finishing the year strong. But this strategy of creating a winning plan contains your tactics to ensure victory.

What you need to do for each of your efficient goals is to come up every week with three action plans you will execute in that week to take you a step closer to your goal.

Imagine that your goal was getting to the top of an eleven-rung ladder, each action step will help you successfully scale one rung each week to ensure you get to the top at the end of the year. I call these the ‘WEEKLY THREES’!

That’s three action steps executed over 7 days that will take you a step closer to your goal.

The power behind this is explosive. But you must ensure that:

You document your action steps each week. Write them down in your daily journal. (Have you ordered your Journal?) Be reflective about it, get intimately involved with the moving parts of your plan.

Review your progress regularly. This way you won’t go off course. Look at this like using a compass to navigate uncharted territories. You won’t keep you compass in your luggage, will you? No. You will constantly refer to your compass to ensure that you stay on track.

Celebrate wins. Celebrating oneself may sound alien to some of us; but it is so powerful as it releases new enthusiasm and energy to forge ahead to the next milestone.

Comment on this and tell me how a couple of the action steps you came up with in this exercise.

I will continue my four-step plan next week.

Don’t forget to share with someone you know is struggling with their goals.