Executive & Life Coaching

What To Do When You Are Behind Your Goals

As mid-year approaches, the best activity for your month is a review of your goals. Consider launching a review process to see where you’re at with meeting business goals and expectations. A mid-year assessment is a great way to track your performance, identify any possible flaws in your planning and ultimately get back on track to reach your goals.

Your goals are the ignition of your life. Get back on track and re-ignite them.

To begin this process, you must become aware of three points as espoused by Bob Proctor

First, put aside your ego! Separate who you are from what you have done. Balance in life is about ‘being more than doing’. In other words, being behind on your goals by this half year mark does not change the fact that you are still the good-intentioned person who has a beautiful vision of what they really want.

Secondly, ‘sometimes hard work and goal achieving activities are not the only ingredients required to make the progress you have visualized’ (B Proctor). The choice to maintain a positive attitude and work with tenacity leading to optimum productivity is YOUR CHOICE, no one else’s.

Finally, realize that there is a toxic element of resentment and doubt. This toxicity can invade your self-image if you haven’t made the progress that you’d expected by a certain point in time. It may not be the type of thing that throws a person into clinical depression, but it may creep into your belief about your worthiness to have the goal that you desire. It’s a rationalization; you think “maybe I didn’t achieve the goal because I’m not good enough, smart enough or fast enough, etc.” These are excuses, which cannot help in the advancement towards your goal.

Having an awareness of these three points on a cerebral level is only the first step. You must also do something on the emotional level to feel that you really have forgiven yourself.

As you may already know, there are only two ways to impress an idea into your subconscious mind.

One is with an emotional impact;

Two is with repetition.

The actions you take to reset your goals must have emotional impact and have to be ingrained into your habit.

I’ve learnt from Tony Robbins that we must engage our emotions and passion to release our potential.

Why engage your emotion?

  1. This release will empower you to overpower bad habits like procrastination and self-doubt.
  2. It will give you the confidence to release your innovation without fear. And the courage to dust yourself off and refocus on your goals.
  3. Your emotions engaged prove to your subconscious that helps you defeat the fear that paralyses.

Repetition is the commitment that produces the “stick-to-itiveness” that guarantees maximum productivity.

In essence, be gentle on yourself, keep your focus and stick to it!

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