Executive & Life Coaching

You Can Finish 2019 Strong I

By October 22, 2019 No Comments


It’s not too late to end 2019 on a HIGH NOTE!

As the year winds down, many of us throw in the towel and forfeit the opportunity to finish the year strong. We assume that time is against us and that we are powerless against its tide.

I’d like to share four simple steps to ensure you finish this year STRONG.

We have roughly 71 days to January 1st.

For many of us just hearing this would trigger panic. We begin to think of our goals and [probably] how far we are from our planned bullseye. We begin to fret and possibly let discouragement and despondency creep in.

Does this sound like you? Does it describe what you are feeling right now?

Please hear me – do not fret. Follow these steps and I guarantee that you will end the year on a high note.

With focus and some elbow grease and I am certain you will finish the year strong. I know that you can achieve much more in the remaining weeks than you ever thought possible. If you follow these simple steps.

Here we go…

Revisit Your Goals: When you created your goals for the year did you write them down? Some people simply come up with resolutions and wishes and keep these in their heads. It’s no wonder many of these resolutions and wishes aren’t being actualized, isn’t it?

I run an annual Goals Workshop, and at this workshop I not only help attendees cast SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relatable and Time-bound) goals; I also insist they write these goals in their copies of the LizSpire Goals Workbook. Then I encourage them to get into the habit of tracking their goals daily with the LizSpire Goals Tracking Journal.

This way, one can daily revisit their goals, connect with the energy and enthusiasm felt when the goals were first cast; but most importantly so that each person can track their performance.

[Contact @LizSpire on Instagram to get more information about her Goals Coaching program]

Whittle Your Goals

So, you have your goals before you now; you will need to separate your goals in two distinct categories.

Draw a table with two columns.

  1. Column one will be for deficient goals (I will tell you what that means shortly).
  2. Column two will be for efficient goals.

Deficient Goals

For this exercise, deficient goals are goals on your list that:

Are no longer realistic giving changes in the marketplace and business environment (government policies, business feasibility, your priorities, your location etc.)

Have no end date. Remember that your goals ideally must be SMART; so, if there is no end date the goal is not SMART. Also, if you did not have an end date to the goal, it mustn’t have been that pressing an aspiration to begin with; and can therefore be rescheduled with very little hassle, right?

Are vague and unclear. If you have any trouble understanding what it was you wanted to achieve with a goal you set for yourself, it is vague.

Have the least impact on the picture of the life you want to live. These are just feel good goals, not life changing goals.

These deficient goals go into column 1. What you have left are SMART goals, which go into column 2.

In column 2 you have goals that if achieved will make your life now, a semblance of the picture of your dreams.

You need to be ruthlessly efficient whittling down your goals. Ideally at this point you should have no more than 2 or at most 4 goals to work with.

If you have more than 4 goals here, I must ask: how many goals did you cast for yourself? Having too many goals is one reason why a lot of us DO NOT attain our aspirations.

To finish the year strong, you will focus on the goals in Column 2.

Comment on this and tell me how many goals you had outstanding, and how many you have after this exercise.

I will continue my four-step plan next week.

Don’t forget to share this so someone in your network is inspired to finish the year strong!