Executive & Life Coaching

Success Inspired By Zombies


The first time I told a group of friends that I had learnt a few life lessons from Zombies [of all things] they were shocked (putting it mildly). Maybe because it’s a well-known fact that I scare very easily; in fact, I don’t watch any movie or video clip that could scare me in the slightest. Let me put it into perspective, you know Michael Jackson’s Thriller, right? Well that scares me silly! Yep! I am that much of a ‘scaredy cat’ when it comes to things like zombies. But that does not mean I won’t learn from life episodes – including scary things.

I know that Zombies don’t really exist (or do they?), but in the movie world where they do exist they are simply reanimated corpses (bodies of dead people moving around) usually looking for some poor soul to infect/eat. This poor soul is their objective, and they go after their victims with single minded focus. They could pass a ginormous platter of grilled chicken and not even stop; they are looking for humans! Have you noticed that Zombies don’t allow anything …and I mean anything come between them and their victims? Doors, walls, bodies of water…? NOTHING comes between a zombie and his chow!

So, about what I learnt.

First, Zombies are very tenacious creatures. They will go anywhere, do anything, and walk through a garden of thorns if they believed a potential victim was in there. How tenacious are you in your quest for success and attainment of your goals? Do you give up at the first or third sign of trouble or opposition? What discomforts are you willing to endure for the sake of your lofty life goals?

Also, have you noticed that when Zombies stumble and fall they don’t just stay there on the floor? When Zombies fall into a ditch, do they just stay there? When you watch your horror movies, what do you see Zombies do when they trip? Right! They wriggle and grope until they are standing again. Napoleon Hill coined the phrase ‘Stick-to-it-ive-ness’, which simply means the attitude of sticking to a task until it is fully accomplished. Zombies have amazing ‘stick-to-it-ive-ness’. Do you stick to you chosen task until you have achieved your goal? Do you keep at it until you get it? Or do you just stay on the floor and moan that you fell down or feel bad in that moment (or forever)? Do you lament about the person who pushed you, the object that tripped you up and the situation you just cannot surmount?

Another thought or question… have you ever seen a Zombie sitting in the grass taking in the rays of sunshine, probably with a blade of grass between his/her teeth… just killing time? No? Okay, have you seen a Zombie trolling the mall just watching as people go about their business aka people watching? How many Zombies do you think take a chair and sit to catch up on 6 hours of Telemundo or Z-World? What about chasing Pokémon every which way? I have nothing against taking a break from time to time, or people watching TV in particular, or even social games. What I do have a problem with and I have learnt to avoid is chronic idleness. That age old adage that ‘the idle hand/mind is the devil’s workshop’ is very true. If even Zombies don’t sit idle, but are quick to move on in search of new kill, how much more sentient humans with God given assignments.

Finally, don’t be freaked out by this last lesson, but I have to say it. Zombies are insatiable! Even after just consuming one whole human, they get up and head out in search for a new victim. This is a winners’ mentality I believe. You don’t just camp at your last victory and expect that your win is all life has to offer. Where this so, Sir Richard Branson would not have gone one to found Virgin Records, Atlantic, TV and all other members Virgin brand. Aliko Dangote would still be stuck on selling sugar, and would not be dominating the cement market in Africa. Where have you pitch your tent? Okay, you’ve had a victory, I applaud you! But so what? What’s next? You need to get up off your behind and chase your next victory! That’s how you stay relevant!

I hold the opinion that if an individual can become tenacious in every endeavor, learn and recover [quickly] from adversity and defeat as well as live in the consciousness that there are new kingdoms to conquer, s/he will be successful in life. Jim Rohn famously said that success isn’t a function of how much you accumulate in your life, but rather the feeling of accomplishment you get from doing your best in all things that pertain to your lives pursuit. You are better than any TV Zombie, so live your life like you are…get moving, for success awaits!

First published on LinkedIn on Aug 29 2016