Executive & Life Coaching

How To Jinx Your Success

By April 13, 2018 No Comments

Just as I started this post, I was curious to see what definitions for ‘success’ were out there. Obviously I checked Google (or ‘The Google’, as a friend of mine would say) and came up with these:

“The accomplishment of an aim or purpose”

“A favourable outcome from any endeavour”.

I saw words like ‘victory’, ‘triumph’, ‘positive’, etc.

Do any of these match YOUR definition of success? Would you describe yourself as being successful? I actually believe that people are much more successful than they give themselves credit for. We kick ourselves for not accomplishing some lofty goal, aim or purpose; while failing to acknowledge the small wins, the micro successes in our daily lives.

Have you thought about your micro successes recently?

  • You completed and submitted that 500 page report in time.
  • You are enjoying better health, with your blood pressure/sugar and weight stabilising to normal parameters.
  • Your employer was downsizing and you did not loose your job – you were retained.
  • You may not be exactly where you thought or planned to be at this stage of your life; but you are definately far from and better than when you first started.
  • You may not have lost the 25kg you want to loose, but you did loose 4kg in the last month.

Is it the sun dawning I see in your eyes, as you realise that your life actually is much better than your first thought? Are you today a better version of the self you were yesterday? Yes? Then you are a success; with massive potential for more success.

But success comes at a cost; even micro successes do not just happen. Success reveals itself at the other side of the door of your action, reflection and determination. Click here if you want to read more about the cost attached to the success you desire.

But this time around I want to go a totally different direction. After making the point of micro successes, I want to help you reevaluate your life. Why? I believe that when you see the flip side you will be empowered and energized to pay the price now for success and becoming a better version of yourself.


So, if you want to jinx your success…

NEVER take responsibility for your life. When things go wrong, identify the person at fault, and tell everyone about how that person let you down. Abdicate your personal power and authority to someone else…anyone else. Ignore the fact that you (like each of the 7b+ people on this blue planet have the gift of RESPONSE-ABILITY.

ALLOW fear stop you! Allow yourself become paralysed by fear to the extent that you take no risks in life whatsoever. You exist is a glass cage, all alone looking out at people leaning in to get a grip of the horns of the bull called life.

RESIST change at all cost. Reject the notion that change is inevitable in every area of life and required for growth. Resist any situation, person or task that will or can pecipitate change in your habits, mindset, paradign etc. Refuse to change [at any and at all costs].

NEVER ask for help. Be afraid (fear again) to ask for help. Allow peoples opinion of you paralyse you and keep you isolated in your comfort zone. Look down on people around you, consider them inferior and unable to add value to your life or predicament. Ignore offers from life coaches and strategists to provide inspiring support to help you live the life of your dreams.

SEE yourself through the lens of grandeur. Be full of your own importance and significance. Believe that you are the life of the party and that the show cannot go on without you. Expect everyone to kowtow to you, indulge your every whim, jump through hoops for you and hang on for the crumbs of your every words.

WAIT for the exact right moment to move. Don’t step out, lean in or reach out to your dreams, to you collaborators until you are absolutely sure you will not fail. Wait to get all your ducks in a row before you begin to conceptualize living a life better than you live now; or building a business that solves problems and endures for generations.

Do these points and the perspectives they present cut you to the quick? Do they make you start to revaluate your life, actions and indeed inactions? Do they make you realize that while some factors can influence our success, the vast majority are at your own singular disposal; and when we reclaim control you can live a life of superlative excellence.

Do you know anyone who would gain some value from this post, please share this with them; as well as to your circle on social media. Meanwhile I am available to provide inspiring support to you, just send me a message and I will reply you personally.

I hope you seize life by the horns and ride that bull like there is no tomorrow.


PS: Please accept my gift to you, click here to download the infographic that goes with this post.

PPS: If you enjoyed reading this, would you do me a personal favour and SHARE IT on your social media pages? Thank you ever so much.