Executive & Life Coaching

How To Overcome Distractions In Your Life [Part 1]

By February 16, 2018 No Comments

Do you realize that distractions are taking more from you than you realize? Do you also know that you do not have to be at the mercy of your distractions?  That you are not powerless in the face of the distracting habits you have developed? You can overcome distractions in your life and live a productive and profitable life.

The most distressing thing about distractions is that most times we do not even know how distracted we are until it has cost us a chunk. What do you think your distractions are costing you? Any ideas?

When you see a magic trick and fall for the magicians distractions (you don’t see his distraction or sleight of hand). In real life that’s called allowing life pass you by. Distractions will cost you life changing opportunities and connections. You could be losing tons of money! Think about for a minute! What are distractions costing you?

I’m certain you’ve experienced this. You decide spend a couple of minutes to catch up on your social media ‘friends’. If you are lucky an hour later (could be more) you snap out of the haze and realize that you all but disappeared into the ether called Facebook? What do you think happened in the hour you were lost in the ether? What could you have potentially accomplished in the hour you were submerged in social media? Did you miss an appointment? Are you going to be late? Did you forget to attend to your cooking? Leave the baby unattended? Distractions can steal lives; ask the man who got into an accident because he was distracted by a multimedia 3D billboard.

What cost are you paying with your relationships on account of being distracted. How often has your significant other or offspring complained that you don’t pay attention, or are not present in the moment with them?

Related Reading: The Stunning Costs of Distraction

Sources of Distraction

While you are considering the cost of distractions, why not also think about the sources of distractions in your life.

The first thing to know is that what distracts me may not be a distraction for you. So let’s not go judging people by their lifestyle choices. Let’s deal with the man in the mirror. Also some good habits can devolve into distractions.


Personally, I love to read. I read almost every genre and style of book. Every room in my home is dominated by book shelves, stacked books and even more books. I love reading because if feeds my mind, allows me time travel and visit far flung places that I may never reach in my lifetime. Reading unfortunately for me is a delicate balance in learning and distraction.

This is a case of a productivity habit becoming a distraction. As with everything in life, even productivity habits need balance, else they devolve. So, you have to watch your habits; for habits when left unchecked can lead us down a rabbit hole.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but again I will caution not making snap judgements. Millions of people earn a livelihood from social media; these people spend a considerable amount of time engaged with social media platforms. This does not mean they are distracted and unproductive. On the contrary, they could be more focused and productive than you and I.

Social Media

we need to realize is a tool; a means to an end and not the end in itself. When we engage with social media like a means to an end [for instance as our primary means of human contact and companionship] we abuse the service and are more likely to be distracted by social media interaction.

Related Reading: Proof That We Are Driven To Distraction By Social Media

Your Mind

Yes, your own mind. Yes, you can actually be distracted by what’s going on in your noggin. What do I mean?

Have you ever been paralyzed by your self-perception or fears? You get so focused on what you are feeling that you lose sight of reality. You lose sight of the fact that you are not who people say you are, rather you are uniquely you.

Many of us do not realize how powerful we are in determining our thoughts. When we are able to coral our thoughts we are better able to manage and bring our actions under control. If this thought isn’t empowering, tell me what is.

You can steer your mind to focus and top notch productivity; it is possible.


I left this for last because it seems so obvious. Of course people can be a distraction. The curve ball I will throw at you is that while people can be a distraction, they are only that if we allow them to be.

Remember the last time you said you were doing to go home and read your team profitability report ahead your departmental review? Your chums invited you out to shoot the breeze and have some after work drinks. What’s the harm in one drink you ask, you don’t plan to spend more than 20 minutes

Alas, you end up spending the better part of 3 hours shooting the breeze; when you get home you are so tired and sloshed that you cannot review the profitability report. You were distracted.

This is by far not an exhaustive list, but I wanted to point out that distractions can come from external or internal sources. The trick is knowing how to identify these distractions and knowing what to do to immediately bring yourself back to focus.

What are the things that distract you? And what you do to overcome these distractions.

Next week I will share with you some ways I take responsibility of my life and actions by nixing distractions.